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These surgeries help to rejuvenate and / or correct the facial deformities that often appear over the years. These procedures should be performed in a surgical room and with the presence of an anesthesiologist to minimize the risks involved in any surgery.

Forehead Surgery:
Endoscopic Frontoplasty

Also known as a forehead rejuvenation, it is a procedure that helps diminish the wrinkles on the forehead due to aging. It also helps repositioning the eyebrows, eliminating eye expression of fatigue or anguish.

This surgery can be performed in addition to others to optimize their results, including eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) and facial rejuvenation (rhytidectomy) according to the needs of each patient.

Eyelid Surgery:

This procedure removes excess skin and bags accumulated around the eyes. By eliminating the redundant tissue, the expression of the eyes improves, giving a youthful and refreshing look.

“Beauty is how you feel inside and it is reflected in the eyes”

– Sophia Loren

Ear Surgery:

The ears go unnoticed most of the time, they only stand out when they are large, separated from the head or have a different shape from what is common to people.

Although children (ages 6 to 12) are the most psychologically affected, because of comments and jokes from their peers and friends, adults also suffer from this problem.

This procedure corrects those deformities so that the ears regain a normal appearance.

Nose Surgery:

The nose is the central structure of the face. It provides harmony and balance. However, it can have variations and be too wide, large, or even very small, distorting the beauty of the face.

This procedure corrects these imperfections, so that it adapts to the characteristics and needs of each individual.

Neck Surgery

Regardless of age or shape, the neck can accumulate fat tissue and have a redundant and poorly defined appearance.

Through the removal of fat (liposuction) and tensioning of the muscles that support the neck (platysma), the natural shape is restored and the mandibular line is defined to give a juvenile appearance.

Facelift Surgery:

Over the years, the structures that support the skin of the face and neck, lose their firmness. This produces: lost of volume over the cheeks, prominent grooves below the eyes, deep wrinkles that extend from the nose to the edges of the mouth and loss of muscle tone in the lower part of the face.

The purpose of this procedure is to rejuvenate the face and neck, restoring the correct location of structures and removing excess skin. It is often accompanied by fat injection to correct the loss of volume.

If you are interested in a procedure that does not involve surgery, check the link of Non-surgical Facial Rejuvenation.

Facial Lipoinjection:

Over time, the natural volume of the cheeks and mouth are lost. This causes the bone structures to appear prominent thus contributing to an aging face.

With lipotransfer, the volume is restored to these areas of the face and the characteristics that give a youthful and renewed appearance are recovered. The results are natural and durable over time.

For changes without surgery, Hyaluronic Acid (face fillers) is an excellent choice.

Chin Surgery:

All structures in the body maintain a proportion and balance. For a face to meet these characteristics both the chin and the nose must be in harmony.

A chin with little projection, gives the appearance of redundant tissue in the neck (jowl) and a jaw line without definition. On the contrary a prominent chin gives an aggressive aspect and the so-called “witch’s chin”.

This surgery modifies the face profile either by increasing or decreasing this structure, to have a more defined neck and mandibular line.

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